Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
How often have we sat in Mass, looked around, and said to ourselves, "Where is everybody from my generation?" Imagine a family member whom you deeply love in ICU at the hospital dying from a preventable illness. Imagine that family member as our Catholic Church. Do you love our Church? Do you love the Truth that is espoused through our Church in Christ? If we do not act, how can we expect anybody else to? Do we take the call to discipleship in our Lord seriously? What do we do in our lives that will last for eternity? Is there anything we do that is more important than bringing eternal souls the foot of the Cross? Christ has given us the privilege of these challenging times to make a difference!
The light of Christ, shining through each one of us, shines that much brighter in the darkness! One hour of truth dispels years of lies! Have you answered His call for you during this time? Have you lived to your created potential and destiny to be the greatest saint this world has ever seen?! Stand up now, consider dying to yourself, specifically your time for a week, and give the Lord and the "Body of Christ" your experience, your talents, your faith, and everything you have been built to be. There is no one else that can replace you. Take as many hands of those teens as you can and deposit them at the Eucharistic foot of the cross at Camp Veritas and watch our Lord perform miracles! Think of how many eternal souls might make it to Heaven simply because through pilgrimage, you gave these teens a serious opportunity to choose discipleship in our Lord. How much is a soul worth? How far are you willing to go? If you will not act, who will? If you will not act now, then when will you?
Not only does Camp Veritas depend on saints like you to mentor teens throughout the week of Camp Veritas, we depend on your voice to encourage the teens you know to attend. Several years ago, 3 adults from parishes organized 70 of our 250 teens to attend. If the parish simply had someone to lead them to the website and be present at the camp, many of the parents and youth from your parish would feel more comfortable attending? The Lord is calling for leaders. Will you answer His call? With our growth at Camp Veritas, we are dependent on those adults willing to volunteer at least half of the week to mentor and attend camp with the teens from your parish. The fee for all adults over the age of 18 will be covered by the Camp Veritas team so it is free for you! There is no such thing as “too many” chaperones and mentors.
If you are organizing a group, simply forward a list of those intending to enroll from your parish to campveritasgroups@gmail.com. Then, encourage each teen to enroll individually online before a fixed date. Believe me: Teens from your parish will come simply because their friends of the parish are coming. These teens will then return to your parish with a renewed sense of purpose, respect for authority, self-worth, and a desire to serve Jesus Christ; working on the ultimate objective of Heaven. You will change the lives of these teens and the life of your parish community. If you are unable to organize a group, feel free to sign up on your own.
The darkness of the "Religion of Self" continues to spread through our region like a tsunami. The future presence of our Catholic Faith, that beacon of Light and Truth, that Foundation of Rock standing within the coming storm, rests on you and our teens! The time to build that foundation is now. I look forward to standing by your side in this critical battle for souls this summer!
Your Brother in Christ,
Ryan Young
Director of Camp Veritas
We could not do it without all of you, who generously and selflessly give of your time, energy and talents to bring one more soul to the font of Grace, the Cross. We have been blessed to have all of you on the staff of Camp Veritas with the common goal of helping the teens who arrive at camp become disciples of Jesus Christ by the time they leave. It is your work that gets them closer to that goal every day.
Teens come to Camp Veritas from all walks of life, from all backgrounds and many states and even different countries. Their understanding of the Catholic Faith can range from almost none at all to kids fluent in Latin and already discerning Religious life. As such, the focus of the spiritual instruction at Camp Veritas is to return to the basic recipe of the Catholic Church for the past two thousand years: the Eucharist, the Rosary, the Mass, the sacraments, and prayer. We offer the teens a chance to have some fun, meet wholesome people their age, and be taught by the best teachers of the faith.
You do not have to be fully trained before arriving at Camp Veritas. You will be sent details by email about arrival times approximately one month prior to Camp. You will arrive at Camp Veritas several hours before the campers to have Volunteer orientation, training, a tour of the facilities, and an overview of the registration process for when the campers and parents arrive. We look forward to having you as part of the Camp Veritas team!
There are many ways you can help the mission of Camp Veritas by using your talents, but there are two main volunteer responsibilities once you get to Camp. Your skills, experience, physical limitations or abilities, and availability all play a part in which role for you best contributes to the mission of Camp Veritas.
The two roles are Counselors and Supervision Staff. Both roles are vital to the operations and success of Camp Veritas and where you are placed will reflect both the needs of the camp and your physical capabilities if you have concerns in that regard... Most volunteers will be in the role of counselors and will be in groups with the campers to mold and shape their experience throughout the week. You do not need to be sporty, young, lively or even outgoing to be in this role! Your worldly experience, parenting skills or calm demeanor may be a vital aspect to the camper experience!
For more details please see the volunteer registration page and the volunteer section of our FAQ's page.