Our FAQ's Page may have the answers you are looking for.
Parish Groups Coordinator:
Collette Geraghty - campveritasgroups@gmail.com
Enrollment Coordinator:
Maggie Bradley - admin2@campveritas.com
NEW YORK / Enrollment Assistant: Hannah McClonologue - veritasenrollment@gmail.com
MARYLAND Liaison: Rachel Watkins - rmwatkins13@gmail.com
FLORIDA Liaison: Katie Eads - katieeads.campveritas@gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinator:
Catherine Schembri – volunteer@campveritas.com
Volunteer Outreach (Camp Counselors):
Volunteer position that needs to be filled -
if interested, email admin2@campveritas.com
Executive Assistant:
Maggie Bradley- admin2@campveritas.com
Phone: 484-320-7069
*This number is regularly monitored and receives texts
Background check & Safe Environment Coordinator:
Christie Sherwood- veritasvolunteer@gmail.com
GARDA Vetting and TUSLA training (Ireland)
Philomena Prendergast - vetting.veritas.ire@gmail.com
Payment Address Only:
Attn: R. Young
19 Ashley Court
Danbury, CT 06810
Corporate Contact Information:
Camp Veritas
67 Winter Park Drive
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
*Unavailable during camp sessions; for corporate
inquiries only, it is not regularly monitored.
Chief Executive Officer:
Ryan Young - ryan1@campveritas.com
Chief Operating Officer:
Elizabeth Young - enroll2@campveritas.com​

For general inquiries and further information, please click here
All of the contacts listed are Volunteers, so please be patient if you do not receive an immediate response